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How to Prepare Before a Loft Conversion

Loft Conversion Bedroom


So, you’ve decided to go ahead and get a loft conversion – great! Say goodbye to the dust-collecting, cobweb-housing roof space that hasn’t dared been entered since 2004, and say hello to your brand new guest bedroom, or office, or retro 90s gaming lounge.

If you’ve chosen a reputable company for your loft conversion, such as Kingsmead Conversions, the renovation process will be undertaken in an efficient, professional and thorough manner, so that you can put your feet up while the team of loft conversion experts do all the work.

With that being said, it’s always nice to be thoughtful to your fellow human beings. There are a few minor jobs you can do to help ensure the loft conversion operation runs as smoothly as possible. So take a deep breath, swat away those cobwebs and have a read of the following tips:

Moving Items

Have you ever tried jumping hurdles? If, like me, you can recall vivid memories of tumbling over a hurdle or two and landing face down in the mud during PE class, you’ll know hurdling is no easy feat. Now have you ever tried hurdling while doing a loft conversion? Probably not; but take our word for it – it’s not fun. We’re not going to start any loft conversion project if the space is overrun with boxes, objects and other personal possessions to hurdle over. This is because we care about the safety of our team – and the safety of your signed Beatles record album from 1967 that definitely has real signatures.

Take this as an opportunity to clear out some of the items you don’t need. We recommend sorting your possessions into boxes and labelling them as keep, sell and bin. Not only will this create a clear, safe environment for your loft conversion to begin, but it will also help you reminisce, declutter or perhaps make some extra money on the side.


Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but easy loft access is a loft converter’s best friend.

Sometimes we enter homes with clear doorways, clear hallways or through a simple, external entrance. These are great. The person who lives here did their research, or perhaps has even done a loft conversion or two themselves. Unfortunately, some houses have messy doorways and hallways. These aren’t so great.

To help your loft conversion project run smoothly, ensure your loft is easily accessible. This includes clearing hallways and doorways to provide a clear path for the builders to manoeuvre through. Not only will this speed up the renovation process, but it will also ensure the safety of the workmen.


Most loft conversion companies, much like the professional team at Kingsmead Conversions, will help reduce the amount of dust produced by your renovation. However, you should still be aware of some precautions you can take to protect your possessions.

One idea is to cover your doorways with cloth or dust sheets. This will prevent travelling dust from entering other rooms. For further protection, seal or pack away any exposed items whilst the renovations are taking place. This will help ensure your belongings stay in pristine condition while you wait for the completion of your beautiful new loft conversion.


At Kingsmead Conversions, we work alongside you to design and create your perfect new loft. We employ top designers to ensure all our loft conversions are performed to the highest standard. For more information about our loft conversions, or to hear about any of our extensive range of services, give our friendly team a call today.


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